076: Distilling what you need to know about SEO for impact

Great discussion with Will Critchlow, the Founder and CEO of Distilled, an SEO digital agency. We discuss how to engage, influence, convince and convert organic traffic by creating the right content. How much should you study the changing field of SEO to get the most out of it?



More about Will

Will Critchlow is CEO of Distilled – a company he founded in 2005 with Duncan Morris. Distilled provides online marketing services from offices in London, New York and Seattle, hosts the SearchLove conference series in the US and UK, produces the popular online training platform DistilledU, and runs the SEO split-testing platform DistilledODN.

His academic background is mathematics with a degree from the University of Cambridge (St. John’s College) including a graduate thesis on auction theory. Previous jobs included programmer, strategy consultant in the telecoms industry and floor sweeper. He hated sweeping. Will is married to Heather, has a daughter (Rachel) and son (Adam), plays basketball for Euston Power and occasionally loses to his brother at squash.

Online, he can be found: