Custom-built AI writing tools & training for your organization.

The Problem

Your need for content continues to increase but the time to write it does not. People are talking a lot about this “ChatGPT” thing but it isn’t clear how a nonprofit might actually use this day-to-day. Staff may be randomly using it without management’s knowledge.
With purpose-built writing/image tools there are many practical uses that can create unique to you content:

  • Thoughtful email marketing messages are needed regularly.
  • Senior staff doesn’t have the time to write thought leadership articles.
  • Clever social media posts and replies are needed weekly.
  • Text and image ad iterations.
  • Grant application writing buries the staff.
  • Creative images are needed for storytelling to donors.

The Solution: CauseWriter.AI

Custom-built Whole Whale AI Tools from

Whole Whale uses your data and writing voice to build easy-to-use AI writing applications and then trains your team on how to use them. These tools will help your team create organizational content 5X faster with purpose-built AI applications that KNOW your voice and are built based on our training formula:

[intent] +[context]+[brand personality]+[data/template]

(more details on our AI Prompt Engineering approach)

Example: here is a generally trained nonprofit email marketing writer.

IE: “Write a fundraising email for Power Poetry, a safe, creative, free online platform for teens to create poetry. This year Power Poetry has supported over 1.1 million poets. This email is asking for donations around GivingTuesday.”

Pro-tip: You can copy and paste the result to generate additional parts of the email. More about this AI email writer.

Describe the org/email you want
GPT3 Response

This tool can be trained on your organization’s voice to create quality first drafts for your team. Once these AI applications are built the next step is training, where Whole Whale will work to show and fine-tune how the tool gets used in the organization.

Whole Whale cares deeply about how the social impact adopts this new powerful tech, which is why we created a simple, free AI course. We also continue to build AI resources to help the people working for good amplify their work (because we know the bad actors are certainly hard at work in the other direction).


Whole Whale is ready to work with great organizations interested in seeing what is possible with AI-generated content and custom-build useful AI writing tools.


Why not just let my staff play with AI and see what happens?

Based on the fact that there were a reported ~100M users of ChatGPT in the first month, chances are that your staff is already using AI to create content. The issue is that while that content may SEEM unique, if the right prompt architecture isn’t in place your organization will suffer from the Grey Jacket Problem.

What about other open writers?

Tools like,,, and the Cause Writer AI content detector built on are powerful but run into the convergence problem. Once more companies start using the same tool with the same underlying training data the outputs will start to all look very similar. IE if 10 environmental organizations ask the same thing of the same bot, the outcomes will look like copies. This issue was well described by Chamath Palihapitiya on the popular All-in Podcast.

Additionally, we believe that you, the organization needs to develop and own your own AI prompt data and formulas, especially as competitor LLMs increase (large language models).

Is this just stuff copied from the internet and duplicate content?

Nope. It is a neural net trained on the entire internet up to 2022 or whenever the processor version snapshot was taken, this category of Large Language Model is a type of Natural Language Processor – GPT3/4 (General Pre-Trained Processor) is creating each word based on the probability of learned language patterns and some reinforcement learning from users. 

Example of a response showing these probabilities. 

Wait, does Google penalize AI writers?

Officially as of March 2023, Google came out with a post that stated that they technically allow AI generated content. In this post about AI and content by Google, they explicitly state:

Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines. This means that it is not used to generate content primarily to manipulate search rankings, which is against our spam policies.

Google Policy 2023

However, it is important to note they mention that their SpamBrain system has many years of dealing with automated content and is still being used. This is where we think it is important to keep in mind the importance of creating actually unique and valuable content that help a user solve a problem or understand a topic.