How are we using private information for public good? GDPR (aka, the General Data Protection Regulation) goes into effect in the European Union next week, so now’s a good time to be asking that question.
GDPR compliance means more than the click of a button: This is a fundamental reevaluation of how we protect and manage our data footprint online.
We talk through the baseline of GDPR with Lucy Bernholz, Director of the Digital Civil Society Lab at Stanford PACS and Senior Research Scholar at Stanford PACS (Center for Philanthropy and Civil Society).
In addition to being an expert on the impact of GDPR for social impact, Lucy is the author of the annual Blueprint Series on Philanthropy and the Social Economy. She’s also authored Disrupting Philanthropy, and Creating Philanthropic Capital Markets: The Deliberate Evolution. She is a co-editor of Philanthropy in Democratic Societies, and writes extensively on philanthropy, technology, and policy on her award-winning blog,
But first, a disclaimer
We’re not lawyers. Lucy is not a lawyer. We can’t give you legal advice (on GDPR or anything else). This is an opening exploration of the known unknowns of this new regulation.