120: (short) Facebook is not a social media platform

A short monologue about why Facebook is not a social media platform if you are an organization, it is an Ad Platform. We talk about basic ads strategy and how to think about using $100 per month to test it. If you spend time making posts on Facebook, you are spending money. Each year, the visibility of these posts decrease as the Facebook edgerank deprioritizes company pages in favor of friends posts.

For organizations like PowerPoetry.org, their average reach of Facebook posts has decreased steadily over the past 2 years. It is also important to note how Facebook now prioritizes the pay to boost post button by every post.

Boost posts are the worst use of money on Facebook when compared with the power of the targeting and ad features of the Business.Facebook.com platform.

So, please share this one thought with whoever will hear it…

For organizations, Facebook is not a social media platform, it is an ad platform! Share on X