Empowering Nonprofits with AI: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Nonprofits cannot afford to sit on the sidelines as new technologies shape both our work and our everyday lives, and instead must be active participants in shaping its ethical and responsible adoption. Nonprofits have the opportunity (and the responsibility) to enable both their employees, and the communities that they serve, to feel empowered to use new technologies responsibly and ethically. 

In this webinar, Whole Whale’s Senior Digital Strategy Manager Nick Azulay is excited to join Congressman Andy Kim and fellow guest speaker Philip Deng, CEO of Grantable, to help empower nonprofits to maximize the potential of AI. Join us in exploring the promise and pitfalls of AI for nonprofits and NGOs, with particular attention to what it means to use and engage with artificial intelligence responsibly and ethically.  The panel will include an introduction to AI and its benefits for nonprofits, how AI can help in grant application processes, and how nonprofits can stay safe from AI-generated scams.

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