Let’s say you have a product, idea, or a cause, and you want to build a website with not a huge budget. In this training video we show you how to do just that.
1.Find a Host.
Most people thing that a website lives somewhere in the ether, but in reality it lives on a computer. A host is a person who owns the computer that your site lives on.
One of the hosts we recommend is one that we at Whole Whale use – WordPress Engine. It’s a managed host, which is kind of like living in a building with a permanent live-in super. That means your problems will be fixed a lot quicker, than on a non-managed host where figuratively speaking, the super lives a few blocks away. It’s safe to say your site will pretty much always need maintenance, updates, or some kind of fixing. Managed hosts take care of that. WordPress is very user friendly, and you don’t need a technology background to be able to use it.
Another host we recommend is Squarespace. It comes with a lot of templates which all look great (in our opinion). Squarespace gives you an easy way to build a great looking website. You also have an option to pay for a higher developer level, if you really want to customize your site.
2. Find a Developer
Once you have your site set up, you’ll need to find a developer. Places you’ll definitely want to visit are Rent-acoder and oDesk. That’s where developers from (literally) all over the world offer their services. You’ll see their hourly rate, and have an option of contacting them outlining what it is you’d like to get done, and they’ll get back to you with a projected budget, and time frame. We’ve used both of these services , and they’re awesome.
3. Reach Beyond Your Site
Let’s say you want to reach people beyond your site – whether through a newsletter, by asking people for money (fundraising) , or public events. Here are some fantastic services you’ll want to use.
MailChimp will give you something to smile about regarding newsletter communication. It’s very easy to use, has a friendly interface, and is easy to integrate with hosts such as WordPress or Squarespace.
If you want to invite people to public events, screenings, galas, etc., then check out EventBrite. You can integrate this into your website, to allow people to purchase tickets, or sign up for information about the event.