2024 Quiz: What’s your Social Media IQ?

With the social media landscape rapidly changing every year, every month, and seemingly every day, it can feel difficult to keep up with trends in social media! Which audiences are on which platform? Which platform is the most popular? Which platforms, post-types, and messaging actually drive measurable impact? What platforms are kids using most? Adults? What trends do the data suggest? How can you leverage social media trends to your organization nonprofit social media marketing efforts?

Whether you’re already a social media maven or a total newbie, you can test your social media IQ below to see if you really know what the current trends and benchmarks are, plus how they should inform your strategy this year. 

At the end of the quiz, you’ll be able to see your social media IQ, and access resources to increase or maintain your expertise (along with the answers to all of the questions).

After Google, what is the second most popular website in the world?

Correct! Wrong!

True or False: The majority of teens use Facebook

Correct! Wrong!

Which platform has a higher rate of engagement?

Correct! Wrong!

On average, what is the best day for brand accounts to post on Instagram?

Correct! Wrong!

Which type of media drives the most engagement on Facebook and Instagram?

Correct! Wrong!

What percent of consumers get purchasing inspiration from social networks?

Correct! Wrong!

Which platform is reported to be the most useful for social marketers to reach their goals?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the median engagement rate on Facebook posts for brand accounts?

Correct! Wrong!

What platform is the best at driving leads?

Correct! Wrong!

What type of social media content is shared most by users?

Please select 2 correct answers

Correct! Wrong!

What's your Social Media IQ?
0-3 Questions Correct
So you’re a social media newbie, or you just missed the latest benchmarks. No worries! You can stay up-to-date on social media trends and news by reading our nonprofit communications resources. Plus! Sign up for our newsletter below to get the latest in your inbox. Answers with explanations when applicable: 1. Answer: YouTube Facebook used to be number 2, but in 2018 it was usurped by YouTube in the global rankings, according to reports from Alexa and SimilarWeb. Facebook is 3rd, Baidu is 4th, and Twitter is 6th. 2. Answer: True …But only by a hair. In the past, 71% of teens reported that they used the platform, but in 2018 that number dropped to 51%. Researchers are projecting that this number will continue to decrease, especially as other platforms grow in popularity. 3. Answer: Instagram Instagram has a median engagement rate of 1.73% per post for brand accounts. Facebook’s on average was below 1%, and hovered around 0.17% for nonprofits specifically. 4. Answer: Thursday, but remember that your audience is not the average audience. Check your Instagram analytics to see the days your audiences are most likely to engage. 5. Answer: Videos Videos drive the most engagement, followed by images, then carousels, and finally text posts. According to Sprout Social, Videos get 21.2% more interactions compared to images, and 18.6% more interactions compared to carousels. 6. Answer: 37% Social networks are the biggest source of inspiration for users to make purchases with 37% of users finding inspiration through the channel. This is largely due to the increase in social media advertising spend across all channels in 2018, which is expected to continue increasing in 2019. Though nonprofits are not usually looking to drive purchases, this makes it clear that social media users see social networks as a location for advertisements, so it pays to play. 7. Answer: Facebook From Sprout Social, 70% of social marketers reported that Facebook ads are the most useful for achieving their goals. 8. Answer: 0.16% 9. Answer: LinkedIn LinkedIn performs 277% better than Facebook and Twitter when it comes to generating visitor-to-lead conversions. 10. Answer: Videos and inspirational posts 74% of social media users share video content from business accounts on social media, but reports show they are equally likely to share and engage with inspirational posts.
4-7 Questions Correct
You know a thing or 2 about social, but there’s still more to learn before you get to the guru status. Download our free social media guide below swim up the learning curve on all things social media and impact. https://www.wholewhale.com/ultimate-social-media-guide/ Answers with explanations when applicable: 1. Answer: YouTube Facebook used to be number 2, but in 2018 it was usurped by YouTube in the global rankings, according to reports from Alexa and SimilarWeb. Facebook is 3rd, Baidu is 4th, and Twitter is 6th. 2. Answer: True …But only by a hair. In the past, 71% of teens reported that they used the platform, but in 2018 that number dropped to 51%. Researchers are projecting that this number will continue to decrease, especially as other platforms grow in popularity. 3. Answer: Instagram Instagram has a median engagement rate of 1.73% per post for brand accounts. Facebook’s on average was below 1%, and hovered around 0.17% for nonprofits specifically. 4. Answer: Thursday, but remember that your audience is not the average audience. Check your Instagram analytics to see the days your audiences are most likely to engage. 5. Answer: Videos Videos drive the most engagement, followed by images, then carousels, and finally text posts. According to Sprout Social, Videos get 21.2% more interactions compared to images, and 18.6% more interactions compared to carousels. 6. Answer: 37% Social networks are the biggest source of inspiration for users to make purchases with 37% of users finding inspiration through the channel. This is largely due to the increase in social media advertising spend across all channels in 2018, which is expected to continue increasing in 2019. Though nonprofits are not usually looking to drive purchases, this makes it clear that social media users see social networks as a location for advertisements, so it pays to play. 7. Answer: Facebook From Sprout Social, 70% of social marketers reported that Facebook ads are the most useful for achieving their goals. 8. Answer: 0.16% 9. Answer: LinkedIn LinkedIn performs 277% better than Facebook and Twitter when it comes to generating visitor-to-lead conversions. 10. Answer: Videos and inspirational posts 74% of social media users share video content from business accounts on social media, but reports show they are equally likely to share and engage with inspirational posts.
8-10 Questions Correct
You are a social media guru! Congratulations on scoring in the highest percentile. But, as a social media guru, you know that the learning never ends. Dive deeper with our course Be Your Own Social Media Guru to learn how you can take your know-how, connect it with your other digital marketing efforts, and drive measurable engagement over time. Use the promo code IM SOCIAL to get it for 60% off. https://www.wholewhale.com/university/social-media/ Answers with explanations when applicable: 1. Answer: YouTube Facebook used to be number 2, but in 2018 it was usurped by YouTube in the global rankings, according to reports from Alexa and SimilarWeb. Facebook is 3rd, Baidu is 4th, and Twitter is 6th. 2. Answer: True …But only by a hair. In the past, 71% of teens reported that they used the platform, but in 2018 that number dropped to 51%. Researchers are projecting that this number will continue to decrease, especially as other platforms grow in popularity. 3. Answer: Instagram Instagram has a median engagement rate of 1.73% per post for brand accounts. Facebook’s on average was below 1%, and hovered around 0.17% for nonprofits specifically. 4. Answer: Thursday, but remember that your audience is not the average audience. Check your Instagram analytics to see the days your audiences are most likely to engage. 5. Answer: Videos Videos drive the most engagement, followed by images, then carousels, and finally text posts. According to Sprout Social, Videos get 21.2% more interactions compared to images, and 18.6% more interactions compared to carousels. 6. Answer: 37% Social networks are the biggest source of inspiration for users to make purchases with 37% of users finding inspiration through the channel. This is largely due to the increase in social media advertising spend across all channels in 2018, which is expected to continue increasing in 2019. Though nonprofits are not usually looking to drive purchases, this makes it clear that social media users see social networks as a location for advertisements, so it pays to play. 7. Answer: Facebook From Sprout Social, 70% of social marketers reported that Facebook ads are the most useful for achieving their goals. 8. Answer: 0.16% 9. Answer: LinkedIn LinkedIn performs 277% better than Facebook and Twitter when it comes to generating visitor-to-lead conversions. 10. Answer: Videos and inspirational posts 74% of social media users share video content from business accounts on social media, but reports show they are equally likely to share and engage with inspirational posts.

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