21NTC: Using Dashboards for Real-time Campaign Monitoring and Decision-making

Thanks for attending our session, Using Dashboards for Real-time Campaign Monitoring and Decision-making, at 21NTC! Here you’ll find the deck and additional resources from the presentation.

What we covered

Dashboards have the potential to revolutionize how your organization monitors, visualizes, and reports data-especially when running complex omni-channel campaigns.

We’ll show you how to find the digital metrics that matter to your organization’s mission-driven impact campaign, and how to use simple, user-friendly dashboards to monitor current campaigns and inform future ones. Data is most meaningful when it can tell useful stories for a variety of stakeholders. Easily visualize campaign data to help your team maximize its digital impact with a template to get you started!

We’ll also reveal how PRX used simple custom dashboards before, during, and after its large, multi-channel campaign to inform each step of their marketing strategy. Using a discovery dashboard, they were able to synthesize past campaign data into compelling, actionable insights that further solidified future strategies. Then, a real-time campaign monitoring dashboard allowed them to monitor progress and make informed decisions using live data.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to use dashboards for investigative data discovery and informed campaign planning
  • Identify the different ways dashboards can be used by a nonprofit to measure and optimize campaign performance in real-time
  • Understand the core metrics that should be the focus of a campaign-specific dashboard

View the deck

By Whole Whale + PRX

PRX is shaping the future of audio by building technology, training talented producers and connecting them with supportive listeners. Learn more about their work at https://www.prx.org/

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More resources

It’s easier to convert an email subscriber into a committed donor if you know that they’ve visited the Donate page of your website. But how can you tell what your email subscribers are doing on your site? Test out Lighthouse by Whole Whale, an integration between your email marketing tool and your Google Analytics, that gives you this info — and more. Sign up at getlighthouse.io.